PLEASE READ COMPLETE LISTING BEFORE PURCHASING – Bees and queens are Southern California stock. Reproduced from bees that have successfully overwintered in Riverside County, California. I do not normally sell a specific breed (ie. Italian, Carniolan, Saskatraz, Russian, etc…) . I select colonies for splits based on their desirable traits: Gentle/easy to work with, honey production, brood production, overwintering ability, etc… ON REQUEST I will order a mated Italian queen for an additional $50 and introduce her to your nuc depending on availability.
This Listing is for a DEPOSIT payment for Pickup Late June 2021 at Riverside, CA. Remainder of payment is due at time of pickup. Included: NUC: 5-frames of Bees in a nuc box with laying queen and brood.
Pricing is as follows:
1 nuc – $200 = deposit $20, remainder of $180 due in cash at time of pickup
2 nucs – $390 = deposit $40, remainder $350 due in cash at time of pickup
3 nucs – $560 = deposit $60, remainder $500 due in cash at time of pickup
additional nucs – $150 each = deposit $20 each, remainder $130 each due at time of pickup
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