
At Santa Ana River Valley Honey Company we rescue feral bees from homes, businesses and other locations where they are not appreciated and relocate them to our apiaries along the Santa Ana River.

Our family is delighted to share our high-quality creations with your family. Santa Ana River Valley Honey Company offers locally sourced products, always crafted with care. From raw, unfiltered honey to 100% beeswax candles, beauty products, and seasonal specialties, we put love into everything we do. We treat our bees, and our customers, like family, prioritize sustainability, and only use all-natural ingredients to deliver superior products that are lovingly sourced from our happy bees in Jurupa Valley, CA.

We also manage hives on host properties and offer beekeeping classes.

$1,000,000 Liability Insurance Policy# BAK-44068-3-0114
Crum & Forster Specialty Insurance Company